Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Concept Map + Ten Things Must Know

In physics class today, we did something called CONCEPT MAP on electricity unit. It is helpful to visual learners because all the parts of the units are grouped with relations to one another. However, I personally find the concept very confusing and not easy to follow along, and I would study better in other ways.

Anyways. here are some photos taken in class today:

Our own map and other groups' :D

10 Things WE MUST KNOW :

1) Current : rate of flow measured in coulombs per second (amperes) by an ammeter connected in series.

2) Electric Charge: measured in coulombs where 1C =6.24 X 10^ 18 electrons.
1 electron has a charge of 1.60 X 10^-19 C.

3) Series Circuit: charge flows along one path .

4) Parallel Circuit: charge flows along two or more paths.

5) Ohm's law: R=V/I V=IR I =V/R

6) Conventional Current/ Electron Flow: flow of charge from positive terminal to negative terminal for conventional, and from negative to positive for e- flow.

7) Kirchhoff's Law:

For Series:

It = I1 = I2 = I 3...=In

Potential Difference:
Vt = V1 + V2 + V 3...+Vn

Rt =R1 + R2 + R 3...+Rn

For Parallel Circuit:

It = I1 +I2 + I 3...+In

Potential Difference:
Vt = V1 =V2 =V 3...=Vn

1/Rt =1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R 3...+1/Rn

8) Power : rate at which work is done. P=VI or P= E/t

9) Energy: work, in Joules. E= Pt, E=VQ or E =VIt

10) Potential difference = voltage drop across two given points in a circuit. V=P/I. Measures by voltmeter which is connected in parallel.

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